HOUSE RULES | ハウスルール



2. ご予約には、お名前・Eメールアドレス・お電話番号・国籍・ご住所・ご宿泊予定・ご宿泊人数が必須となります。なお、ご連絡が取れない場合は、ご予約はキャンセルとなります。
3. 事前に到着時刻をお知らせください。
4. 大変恐縮ですが、男性のみの滞在をご遠慮いただいております。


1. 身分証明書(免許証、またはパスポート)の提示とコピー、またクレジットカード情報の控えを取らせていただきます。クレジット情報の控えはお支払い後に安全に破棄いたします。
2. 暴力団組員の方・泥酔されている方・薬物中毒の方・伝染病を患っている方・布教活動を目的とされる方、その他明らかにモラルに反する方と当施設が判断した場合は、ご入室をお断りさせていただく場合もございます。
4. チェックインは14:00〜21:00まで、チェックアウトは12:00までとなります。この時間以外の対応が必要な場合は、事前にお知らせください。


1. オーナーの指示があった場合には、速やかに従って行動願います。
3. 室内での喫煙はご遠慮ください(戸外に喫煙スペースがございます)。
4. 飲酒をされた方は運転を行うことはできません。
5. キッチンや食器類は自由にご利用いただけますが、ご使用後は必ず洗浄いただき元の場所へお戻し下さい。
6. 洗濯機は自由にご利用いただけますが、ご使用後は直ちに洗濯物を取り出してください。
7. 提供する寝具は自由にご利用いただけますが、起床時には必ずもとの場所へお戻し下さい。
8. 浴室は24:00までお使いいただけます。
9. 危険物や、法律により禁じられたものを持ち込むことはできません。
10. 門限は24:00です。正門と玄関を施錠します。
11. 近隣住人の迷惑にならないよう節度を持った行動を心がけて下さい。
12. ゲストハウス北政のハウスルールに著しく反したお客様には、ご退宿いただくこともございますのでご留意ください。


1. ゲストハウスの備品や所有物の破損・紛失等は、場合によっては警察に通報し、同等金額を弁償していただく場合がございます。
2. ゲストハウスの敷地内で発生した事故や災害、盗難に関するトラブルには一切責任を負いかねます。必ずお客様自身にて貴重品や行動の管理を行って下さい。


1. 自転車のレンタルを無料で行っておりますが、事故が発生した場合は当施設では責任を負いかねます。破損や盗難された場合はお客様にて弁償していただきます。
2. その他のレンタル品の破損・故障・盗難等は、場合によっては警察に通報し、同等金額を弁償していただく場合がございます。




– お客様が、開示について事前に同意いただいた場合
– 法令および、管轄官公庁により開示が求められた場合




Guests using “Guest House Kitamasa” must read and agree to the house rules before staying.

About reservations

1. Please make a reservation for Guest House “Kitamasa” using either the reservation form on this website or by telephone.
2. To make a reservation, your name, email address, phone number, nationality, address, planned stay, and number of guests are required. If we are unable to contact you, your reservation will be canceled.
3. Please let us know your arrival time in advance.
4. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not allow men-only stays.

About check-in & check-out

1. We will ask you to present and make a copy of your identification card (driver’s license or passport) and to take a copy of your credit card information. A copy of your credit information will be securely destroyed after payment.
2. If the facility determines that the person is a member of an organized crime group, is inebriated, is addicted to drugs, is suffering from an infectious disease, is engaged in missionary activities, or is otherwise clearly in violation of morals. , we may refuse entry.
3. Please pay the usage fee at check-out. In addition to cash, we accept various credit cards.
4. Check-in is from 14:00 to 21:00, and check-out is until 12:00. If you require assistance outside of these hours, please let us know in advance.

About the use of the guest house

1. If you receive instructions from the owner, please follow them immediately.
2. Please dispose of any garbage you bring to our facility according to the facility’s separation rules.
3. Smoking indoors is not permitted (there is a smoking space outside).
4. Persons who have been under the influence of alcohol are not allowed to drive.
5. You are free to use the kitchen and tableware, but please be sure to wash them and return them to their original locations after use.
6. You are able to use the washing machine with an additional fee, but please remove your laundry immediately after use.
7. You are free to use the provided bedding, but please be sure to return it to its original place when you wake up.
8. You can use the bathroom until 24:00.
9. You are not allowed to bring any dangerous items or items prohibited by law.
10. Curfew is 24:00. Lock the main gate and entrance.
11. Please act in moderation so as not to disturb neighboring residents.
12. Please note that guests who violate Guesthouse Kitamasa’s house rules may be asked to leave the property.

About Trouble

1. In some cases, damage to or loss of equipment or property at the guest house may be reported to the police and the guest may be required to pay the equivalent amount of compensation.
2. We are not responsible for any troubles related to accidents, disasters, or theft that occur on the premises of the guesthouse. Please be sure to manage your valuables and actions yourself.

About rental

1. Bicycles are rented free of charge, but our facility cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident. If the item is damaged or stolen, the customer will be responsible for compensation.
2. If other rental items are damaged, malfunctioning, stolen, etc., we may report them to the police and ask you to pay the equivalent amount.

About information

The copyright of all content posted on this site (text, photos, information, trademarks, designs, etc.) belongs to Guest House Kitamasa. Unauthorized use, duplication, or modification of this content is prohibited.

Handling of personal information

Personal information provided by guests when making a reservation, such as address, email address, telephone number, and date of stay, will be used for communicating with customers and providing better services, and Guest House Kitamasa will not disclose, transfer, or sell it to any third party. However, the following cases are excluded as exceptions.

– If the customer has given prior consent to disclosure
– When disclosure is required by law or a competent government agency

21 January, 2024

Guesthouse Kitamasa